Promising practice story submission

Thank you for visiting the Healing portal on the HealthInfoNet website.

We encourage you to send your story about successful healing programs.

The following questions are a guide to assist you in submitting this information so that it can be considered for inclusion on the Healing portal.

    Understanding the impact of colonisation and integenerational trauma and grief

    • Tell us about how the project was informed by an understanding of the relationship between colonisation and subsequent intergenerational trauma in the community?

    • How did the project assist participants to manage these issues?

    Developed to address issues in the local community

    • How did the project identify an understanding of the nature of trauma at a local level in the community where the project was implemented?

    • How did the project connect and build on local strengths and resources and overcome gaps or barriers in local service infrastructure?

    Driven by local leadership

    • What was the governance structure that guided implementation of the initiative?

    • How were key community members, service providers and others engaged in the process?

    Have a developed theory and evidence base

    • What theory and evidence was used to inform the work that was undertaken within the project?

    • How did the project balance cultural practice with therapeutic practice or combine these to assist with healing?

    Combine Western methodologies with Indigenous healing

    • How was local cultural practice incorporated into the project?

    • How did the project balance cultural practice with therapeutic practice or combine these to assist with healing?

    Build individual, family and community capacity to manage trauma

    • What stategies were implemented to provide trauma-informed, culturally safe and secure healing support?

    • What approaches were adopted to support individuals, their families and the broader community on their healing journey?

    Proactive rather than reactive

    • How did the project address the causes rather than just the symptoms of trauma in the community?

    Incorporate strong evaluation frameworks

    • Did the project have clearly identified aims and objectives and was it specifically targeted to a group within the community? (eg. men, women, young people)

    • What data measurement or evaluation systems were established to help track outcomes of the project to ensure success?

    I agree to my feedback being published on the website and if appropriate, used in promotional and reporting material

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.
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