Media Releases


10 March Data sovereignty principles embedded in latest Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status
24 February New summary highlights key messages learned from 50 years of community-led Aboriginal alcohol programs
10 February New review says cultural safety and community-led approaches critical for effective BBV prevention and treatment


7 October ECU appoints first Aboriginal Director of the HealthInfoNet
30 April New online resource to combat high rates of HTLV-1 in Central Australia
6 March Despite improvements, a new overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health data confirms there is still a gap in life expectancy


8 November Online Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health publications now more accessible
21 September Supporting our community: online social and emotional wellbeing resources during the Voice Referendum
14 June New review confirms little progress in gynaecological cancer outcomes among Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women
14 March Latest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health data highlights both progress and shortfalls to achieving health equity
1 February Cultural approaches and best evidence can optimise drug and alcohol treatment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples


26 July Harmful impacts of cannabis use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people needs greater focus
9 June New review says diabetes burden still impacting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
23 March Latest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status information now available
15 February Trusted COVID-19 portal supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector efforts to increase vaccination rates


10 November Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health journal now more accessible
20 September Aboriginal natural helpers, helping naturally in getting accurate COVID information to their communities
20 July Holistic web resource supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health workforce
14 July New review says greater awareness of sexual health may help reduce rates of chronic disease among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males
2 June New review of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder says more work is needed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
31 March New Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status 2020


2 November New sexual health portal targets areas that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities
20 October New review says addressing social determinants of health key to preventing Aboriginal kidney disease
14 July WellMob – The one-stop website to enhance Indigenous wellbeing
24 June New review finds declines in tobacco use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population with self-determination and leadership critical to reducing tobacco use further
25 February New Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status 2019
21 January New publication shows cardiovascular disease leading cause of avoidable death for Aboriginal people


14 August New review says strong connection to country and community can help reduce methamphetamine use by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
5 June New WA publication supports need for Health and Wellbeing Framework initiatives
10 April New review looks at kava use and supply issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people
5 March New publication supports the need for Closing the Gap Refresh initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


30 November Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Allied Health Workforce Leading into the Future
29 November Latest review says sustainable action is needed to address the eye health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
1 November New portal provides information about climate change and the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and people
16 October Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at the end of life
8 October New review confirms that community involvement is the most important factor
30 July New review of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s respiratory diseases says more can be done
18 June New publication brings you up to date about the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
14 May Access to online Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health information just got easier
26 February Latest nutrition review confirms that community control is critical to improve the nutritional status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait 



20 November New review explores the harmful effects of alcohol use in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander context
22 September Celebrating 20 years helping to close the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
22 June New eBook teaches and informs alcohol and other drug sector
1 May New portal helping to reduce tobacco smoking among pregnant Aboriginal women and their families
13 April Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health Journal celebrates 35 years
16 March New publication confirms important improvements in the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


7 December Partnership boosts eye resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce
27 October New eBook supports and informs Alcohol and Other Drug sector
8 August New tobacco portal aims to help reduce smoking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
4 July New scholarship recognises Aboriginal and Torres Starit Islander pioneer
30 June New chronic disease portal provides quick access for workforce
7 June Latest review of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander illicit drug use shows how to reduce harm
23 May New review confirms high rates of diabetes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
16 May 2015 Overview of Australian Indigenous health status confirms improvements in health
27 April Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smoking a priority for new consortium
12 April Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health gets learning boost
18 February More people access Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health resources
15 February Latest review of volatile substance use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people shows that involving community gets better results
10 February New app makes it easy to find Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alcohol treatment services
29 January Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Womens health gets connected
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.
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