Partnerships are vital to the work of the HealthInfoNet, and we collaborate with a wide range of organisations and individuals. Most of our partnerships are informal, but the HealthInfoNet has formal agreements with the organisations listed below.
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Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia IncThe Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia Inc. is the peak body for 19 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) in WA. |
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Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA)Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) is the recognised national voice for allied health professions, representing and advocating for the role of allied health professionals in health, aged care, disability, education and all systems where allied health services have a role. Allied health professionals represent almost a third of the country’s health care workforce and deliver over 200 million health services annually. |
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Analysis & Policy ObservatoryThe Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO) has been offering easy access to much of the best Australian social, economic, cultural and political research available online since 2002. APO is a news service and library specialising in Australian public policy reports and articles from academic research centres, think tanks, government and non-government organisations. As well as research, the site features opinion and commentary pieces, video, audio and web resources focused on the policy issues facing Australia. The website and news service are considered essential reading for anyone interested in public policy issues in Australia |
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Asthma AustraliaAsthma Australia is the recognised national community voice of Australians with asthma and linked conditions and their carers. It comprises the Asthma Foundations from each state and territory working together on national policy, advocacy and programs and promoting research. Asthma Australia is a national non government incorporated body with no political affiliations, committed to working respectfully with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, as well as other Australians to close the gap and help people with asthma and linked conditions to breathe better. The partnership will facilitate and promote cooperation and collaboration between Asthma Australia and the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet with the ultimate goals of: Making accurate, relevant, up-to-date, high-quality information on asthma in the Indigenous community freely available to those working or studying in this area Connecting users of the respiratory section of HealthInfoNet to Asthma Australia services. Our partnership with Asthma Australia addresses respiratory health (LungInfoNet). |
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The Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM)The Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) is a peak organisation of health professionals in Australia and New Zealand who work in HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections. ASHM draws on its experience and expertise to support the health workforce and to contribute to sector domestically and internationally. |
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Australian Association of Social Workers WAThe Australian Association of Social Workers WA (AASW/WA) is the professional representative body of social workers in Western Australia. AASW (WA) is an active Branch with over 900 members and growing, managed by a voluntary Branch Management Committee elected by the membership. Social workers act collectively and individually to contribute to society in a way that is dedicated to achieving social justice, inclusion and wellbeing. The mission of the national association and its branches is to promote the profession of social work, advance social justice, uphold standards and build capacity of members. Nationally there are nine branches and national committees and practice groups supporting the work of the Association. |
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The Australian College of Rural and Remote MedicineThe Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, one of two colleges in Australia are responsible for setting and arbitrating standards for the medical specialty of general practice, is committed to creating better care for rural and remote communities by providing quality education programs, innovative support and strong representation. The College is responsible for setting professional standards for training, assessment, certification and continuing professional development. General practitioners who achieve these standards are recognised through the award of Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. They receive full vocational recognition for Medicare purposes and are able to practise in any location throughout Australia. The College also plays an important role in supporting medical students and junior doctors considering a career in rural practice. The agreement between both organisations is to facilitate and promote cooperation and collaboration, as a part of their commitments to ‘closing the gap’ in Indigenous health outcomes. |
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The Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA)The Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA) is a not-for-profit professional association contributing to equitable health and life outcomes, and the cultural wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. AIDA’s ultimate goal is to reach population parity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors, and to inform and support a culturally safe health care system. In this context, AIDA’s work provides the government and other national bodies with key outcomes and deliverables that contribute to high level public policy including the Close the Gap campaign and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan and its implementation |
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Lung Foundation AustraliaLung Foundation Australia is the only charity and leading peak body of its kind in Australia that funds life-changing research and delivers support services that give hope to people living with lung disease or lung cancer. Since 1990, they have been working to ensure lung health is a priority for all, from promoting lung health and early diagnosis, advocating for policy change and research investment, raising awareness about the symptoms and prevalence of lung disease and championing equitable access to treatment and care. |
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The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA)The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is the peak body representing the interests of Australian physiotherapists and their patients. The APA is a national organisation with non-autonomous state and territory branches and specialty subgroups. The organisation has more than 23 000 members and over 300 members in volunteer positions on committees or working parties. The APA is committed to the concept of continuing professional education. The APA offers members advanced training and the possibility of collegial support from physiotherapists working in a similar area through its 14 national groups. The APA signifies a standard of professional and ethical behaviour over and above the requirements of registration. |
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Australian Psychological SocietyAustralian Psychological Society is the largest professional association for psychologists in Australia, representing over 27,000 members. The APS is committed to advancing psychology as a discipline and profession. The APS provide expert, evidence-based and technical guidance in the development of policy, advocacy, psychological resources and professional development for the wellbeing of all Australians. It spreads the message that psychologists make a difference to people’s lives, through improving scientific knowledge and community wellbeing. |
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Australian Research Centre for Population Oral HealthThe Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health (ARCPOH), a research centre within the University of Adelaide, undertakes research and research training in population oral health. ARCPOH has a special focus on the oral health of Indigenous people. |
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Brien Holden FoundationThe Brien Holden Foundation’s core belief is that sight is a fundamental right for everyone, everywhere. Its purpose is to build sustainable eye care systems and increase the access to eye care to help eliminate uncorrected vision impairment and avoidable blindness, thereby reducing poverty, inequality and suffering. This is achieved by working collaboratively to increase access to services, enabled by partnerships, human resource development and capacity building, offering long-term development strategies as empowerment tools for communities. |
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Charles Sturt University School of Midwifery and NursingCharles Sturt University has been a university for more than 20 years with a history of professional education and research spans more than 100 years. Their mission is to build skills and knowledge and offer choice and flexibility to students working with industries and communities in teaching, research and engagement. The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health is committed to educating all students to live well and help others to adopt healthy lifestyles in a range of settings. The guiding ethos of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health is derived from the Wiradjuri people’s phrase “Yindymarra Winhanganha” – the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in. The courses offered by the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health include undergraduate, postgraduate, and higher degrees by research in nursing, midwifery and Indigenous health. |
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Congress of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Nurses and midwives (CATSINaM)Congress of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Nurses and midwives (CATSINaM) was founded in 1997 to formally represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives. CATSINaM is made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives, students of nursing and midwifery and has retired nurses and midwives as associate members. CATSINaM’s primary aim is to increase the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples into nursing and midwifery. |
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CranaplusThe core business of CRANAplus is to Educate, Support and Represent all health professionals working in the remote sector of Australia. We are the only member based, National health organisation that has remote health as its sole focus, making us the remote health experts. This specialisation allows us to provide the unique education and support that is vital for staff to be equipped and able to remain within the remote health workforce. |
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Dementia AustraliaDementia Australia is the source of trusted information, education and support services for people living with dementia, their families and carers, and support vital research. Founded by carers more than 35 years ago, they are the national peak body for people impacted by dementia in Australia. Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia yet remains one of the most challenging and misunderstood conditions. Our partnership with Alzheimer’s Australia addresses Dementia. |
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First People’s health unit Griffiths UniversityThe University of Griffith since 1971 was created to be a new kind of university—one that offered new degrees in progressive fields. Since then, the University has grown into a comprehensive, research-intensive university, ranking in the top 5% of universities worldwide. Improving the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People is the aim of Griffith University’s First People’s Health Unit (FPHU). The new unit was opened on the 25 August 2015 and will provide high level indigenous leadership and strategic direction on First People’s health in the areas of learning and teaching, research, and community engagement to position Griffith as a leader in this field. |
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HealthDirectHealthDirect is an Australian Government initiative, funded by the Department of Health and Ageing, which aims to improve the health of Australians by providing easy access to quality information about human health. We are a HealthDirect ‘information partner’. |
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HitnetHitnet is an innovative Australian ‘Communication for Development’ company that builds the smart digital ecosystems needed to reach and engage the most marginalised of people. Hitnet empowers marginalised communities by co-creating culturally rich information and delivering it across an integrated digital platform. They co-create the information that empowers communities to make healthy life choices, prepare them for life in rapidly changing societies, and connect them with other communities now participating in and benefiting from the global digital economy. Their purpose is to co-create a platform for knowledge exchange, to build vibrant, included communities and by 2021, aim to be improving the lives of one million people daily. |
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Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) Inc.Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) Inc. is the peak body in Australia representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health professionals and students. It provides support and advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health professionals and students and builds strong leadership capacity across the allied health and Indigenous health sectors. IAHA works closely with organisations, universities and other related sectors to improve health curricula, address allied health workforce issues, and promote allied health careers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It provides expert advice to governments, allied health professional bodies, educational institutions and the health sector in relation to health policy and issues. |
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The Indigenous Eye Health Unit (IEHU)The Indigenous Eye Health Unit (IEHU) at the University of Melbourne undertakes high quality research and provides the evidence base to assess the needs in Indigenous eye health and prioritise specific intervention strategies. The Unit also contributes to policy development in Indigenous eye health. The Unit operates the National Trachoma Surveillance and Reporting Unit and has produced a number of publications including Critical history of Indigenous eye health policy: towards effective system reform and a report on the provision of eye health services. |
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Indigenous Health Education Unit (Sydney Medical School)The Indigenous Health Education Unit is part of the Sydney Medical School at the University of Sydney. It provides teaching and training about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, for all our medical students, and across the University of Sydney. The Unit supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students, and is a point of contact for students interested in studying medicine. Our partnership with the Indigenous Health Education Unit (Sydney) addresses the engagement of medical students with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research. |
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IndigitekIndigitek is a network of Indigenous people who are inspired by the intersection of culture and science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Indigitek is a community of likeminded Indigenous people with an interest in technology. They meet with others who are in the industry, share stories and explore the possibilities of where culture and technology connect. Indigitek is a voluntary organisation. Indigitek holds regular events where showcasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scientists who are doing great things in culture and technology. These informal events encourage networking and collaboration from all members. They are interested in creating pathways for Indigenous people who are interested in technology and related fields through education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. A priority is to engage with schools to encourage more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students into careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. |
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Injury MattersInjury Matters is an organisation committed to making a difference. They are a not-for-profit agency leading the way in preventing injury and supporting recovery. Their vision is to work towards an injury-free community with a mission to support all Western Australians, adults and children, to live a life uninterrupted by injury. They support people and are pragmatic in their approach to injury prevention in Western Australia. For over 25 years, they have worked to prevent injury and support recovery within the community. They work closely with government departments, the injury prevention sector, academics and researchers, the media, the general public, at risk groups, students and other stakeholders to improve communication between these sectors and to support research in the area of injury prevention. |
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Jean Hailes for Women’s HealthJean Hailes for Women’s Health is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women’s knowledge and understanding of complex health issues. Their aim is to translate the latest scientific and medical evidence to help inspire positive change in women and girls by improving their physical health and wellbeing across Australia through every life stage. Founded in 1992 in honour of an extraordinary medical practitioner, Dr Jean Hailes, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health reflects the enduring legacy that she made to women’s health |
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Kidney Health AustraliaKidney Health Australia is the national peak body for people living with kidney disease, and their families and carers. They promote good kidney health through the delivery of programs in education, advocacy, research and support. They do this by developing and driving initiatives to ‘Prevent, Detect, Support’. Their advocacy is focused solely on their vision – to save and improve the lives of Australians affected bly kidney disease. This is achieved through their mission – to promote good kidney health through education, advocacy, research and support. |
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Kulunga Research NetworkThe Kulunga Research Network, formed in 1999 as a partnership between the Telethon Institute of Child Health Research and the WA Aboriginal community through then WA Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (now AHCWA, the Aboriginal Health Council of WA), conducts research and training aimed at improving the health and whole-of-life expectations for Aboriginal children and families in Western Australia. Our partnership with Kulunga aims at cooperating in relevant research, educational and training programs, and raising awareness of Indigenous maternal and child health issues and research. |
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Lowitja InstituteThe Lowitja Institute, Australia’s National Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research, is an innovative research body that brings together Aboriginal organisations, academic institutions and government agencies to facilitate collaborative, evidence-based research into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is a collaborating research partner |
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Mental Health Coordinating CouncilThe Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) is the peak body for community mental health organisations in New South Wales. MHCC strives to build the capacity and ability of community organisations to support people with mental health conditions, their families and their carers on their recovery journeys. MHCC pursues these aims through advocating for policy development and reform in the mental health sector, as well building sector capacity through partnership and collaboration with member organisations, community (including Aboriginal communities), consumers and carers. |
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Menzies School of Health ResearchThe Menzies School of Health Research (MSHR), established in 1985, aims to improve health outcomes, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and disadvantaged populations, through excellence and leadership in research and training. |
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National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP)National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP) is the professional association for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners in Australia. It was established in 2009, following the Australian Government’s announcement of funding to strengthen the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce as part of its ‘Closing the Gap’ initiatives. NAATSIHWP is the only organisation in Australia that advocates exclusively for the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers, Practitioners and their clients. Policy development, mentoring and support, education forums, and media activities are all critical components of their advocacy agenda. In 2020, the name of the association was changed to include Practitioners. |
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The National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED)The National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED) has been established to support the provision of effective responses to people experiencing problems related to their use of methamphetamine and other emerging drugs of concern. The Centre is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. NDARC, NCETA, NDRI and St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney form the consortium members of NCCRED and the nucleus of the Centre’s Board and Executive Committee. |
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The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS)The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS), based at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, NSW, is responsible for research and surveillance aimed at reducing the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases and improving vaccine uptake in children and adults. NCIRS also provides independent expert advice on all aspects of vaccine preventable diseases and social and other issues related to immunisation. The Centre has a strong role in postgraduate training and supervision. |
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National Drug Research Institute (NDRI)Established in 1988, the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) contributes to the overall aim of the National Drug Strategy, which is to minimise the harm associated with drug use. NDRI addresses this aim by undertaking research designed to establish the preventative potential of legislative, fiscal, regulatory and educational interventions. Harm minimisation recognises that drug use, both legal and illegal, is a fact of modern society and while use may be reduced to a degree, there will always be a need to protect people from the harmful consequences of drug use. NDRI and the HealthInfoNet collaborate in the dissemination of information that facilitates the reduction of harmful alcohol and other drug use among Indigenous Australians. |
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National Rural Health Alliance (NHRA)The National Rural Health Alliance (NHRA) is the peak non-government body for rural and remote health in Australia. It is made up of 34 national organisations representing health consumers, healthcare professionals, students, educators and researchers, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health interests. The Alliance’s member bodies work collaboratively to achieve its Vision of health and wellbeing in rural Australia. It takes a broad view of health and has a keen eye on the social and economic determinants of health and wellbeing. The Alliance believes that all Australians should have equitable access to appropriate health services, regardless of geographical location. Meeting the challenge of good health in rural and remote areas will continue to depend in part on strong partnerships between individuals, organisations and governments located in both metropolitan and rural areas. |
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The National Heart Foundation of AustraliaThe National Heart Foundation of Australia is dedicated to providing information and support to Australians affected by cardiovascular disease. For more than fifty years the Heart Foundation has been leading the battle to improve heart health and prevent premature death and suffering from cardiovascular disease for all Australians. As a charity they work with the community to help all Australians live in heart healthy environments, to identify and help those most at risk of heart disease, to encourage people to act quickly when having a heart attack and to care for people living with heart conditions. |
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Ngangk Yira Institute for ChangeNgangk Yira Institute for Change are located at Murdoch University. They work closely with the WA government, contributing high level expertise to projects and initiatives which seek to ensure Aboriginal families and communities have access to culturally safe maternity care. They are focussed on research that benefits Aboriginal people and communities, honours self-determination and provides an enduring legacy. Their research is determined through a partnership between Elders, community stakeholders, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers and focuses on complex issues in Aboriginal health and the achievement of social equity. |
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FHMRI Injury StudiesFHMRI Injury Studies contributes to understanding the nature, causes and effects of human injury, and to reducing its occurrence and consequences. They undertake research, surveillance, analysis, consultation, teaching, as well as dissemination of information on injury control and related matters to public health and other practitioners, academics, government and the community |
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Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) is dedicated to the establishment of a high standard of practice in obstetrics and gynaecology and women’s health. The College trains and accredits doctors throughout Australia and New Zealand in the specialties of obstetrics and gynaecology so that they are capable – professionally and psychologically – of providing the highest standards of health care. The College also supports research into women’s health and acts as an advocate for women’s health care by forging productive relationships with individuals, the community and professional organisations, both locally and internationally. |
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Rural Health WestRural Health West is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization. As the workforce agency for Western Australia, they aim to work collaboratively with organisations and individuals to ensure that the health needs of rural Western Australians are met by a high-quality, sustainable health workforce. The staff of Rural Health West are committed to supporting health professionals and their families in fulfilling the opportunities offered by life in the unique State of WA. |
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SA Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS)SA Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS) was established in 2004, to enhance community wellbeing and reduce the harms associated with alcohol and drug use. As the peak body, they provide independent, state-wide representation, advocacy and support for non-government organisations working in the alcohol and other drug sector, through networking and policy development. SANDAS is a not-for-profit association funded by the SA Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health and various bodies on a project basis as well as its membership. |
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Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH)Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health’s (SARRAH) primary objective is to advocate for, develop and provide services to enable Allied Health Professionals who live and work in rural and remote areas of Australia to confidently and competently carry out their professional duties in providing a variety of health services to rural and remote Australians. SARRAH’s ongoing vision is to continue to assist with and enhance further development of a networked membership which is proud, passionate, valued and connected with their communities and partnerships, and through this become recognised and influential in policy development and service delivery |
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West Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS).The WACOSS mission is to advocate for social change to improve the well-being of Western Australians and strengthen the community services sector that supports them. By challenging systems, behaviours and attitudes that create poverty, inequality and exclusion, they strive to make the lives of all Western Australians better. As the peak body for the community service sector in Western Australia, they collaborate for meaningful action to end poverty, inequality and social injustices. They represent three hundred member organisations and individuals and approximately five hundred organisations involved in the provision of community services to the Western Australian community. |