
Our work is primarily supported by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care. Funding, for the ‘core’ work of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, is provided via the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care’s Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme. The funding enables good coverage of all the topic areas on the website and enhanced coverage of the following topics:

  • cardiovascular health
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • kidney health
  • respiratory health
  • sexual health
  • social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB).

These enhanced topics are organised as Portals on the website. Portals provide information about the main topic as well as key sub-topics so information can be accessed quickly and efficiently and has immediate, practical use. Each sub-topic has key facts, written in plain language, which adds to a user’s understanding of a topic as well as access to key resources relevant to the subtopic. Portals, which receive specific funding, also have workforce information on courses, events, funding and jobs relevant to the topic.

The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care also provides funding, as part of the Health Protection program, to support the enhanced coverage of environmental health via the Environmental Health Portal.

Other Portals are supported by specific funding provided by funding bodies; these are shown below under ‘Other funders’.

Opportunities to fund the HealthInfoNet

Major funder

Core funding is provided by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Australian Department of Health and Aged Care

In the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is committed to the delivery of high quality, comprehensive and culturally appropriate essential health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Other funders

Government of Western Australia

Government of Western Australia

Aboriginal Health, a statewide office within WA Department of Health, is responsible for facilitating a collaborative and coordinated approach within WA Health’s public health system to improve health outcomes for all Aboriginal people living in Western Australia. The Government of WA provides financial support for the WA State Portal.

Healing Foundation

Healing Foundation

The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families. The Healing Foundation supports locally-run projects, training and education, and commemorations and is leading the way in Indigenous healing research. The Healing Foundation provides financial support for the Healing Portal.

Healing Foundation

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is the national leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia. They provide advice and guidance to the Australian Government on policy and budget matters while advocating for community-developed health solutions that contribute to the quality of life and improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. They have 145 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) member organisations that operate in over 300 clinics across Australia, delivering holistic, comprehensive and culturally competent primary health care services.

Palliative Care Australia

Palliative Care Australia

Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is the national peak body for palliative care in Australia. PCA represents all those who work towards high quality palliative care for all Australians. Working closely with consumers, their Member Organisations and the palliative care workforce, PCA aims to improve access to, and promote the need for, palliative care.

PCA provides financial support for the Palliative Care and End-of Life Care Portal.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.
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